
Monday, September 21, 2015

Recipe: Russian Syrniki

Hi there! How have you been guys?

It’s been a very long time since my last post; in fact, I’ve taken a semi-permanent break from blogging to do some other fun and exciting things (a bit on that later). So I know it’s a little strange to find this blog post pop up here, especially since early last year I joined Karina’s blog – Nocturnal Book Reviews (which you should totally check out!) and closed the shop here, so to speak. But, tonight I made these absolutely easy and delicious syrniki that I felt the need to share with you – so here I am with a new recipe!

And, no, before you ask, I’m not back to blogging, (just yet at least). Life is a bit crazy around here these days, that I don’t want to commit to a regular blog. But it is certainly fun! What, with an addition of a rambunctious, adorable little boy in our household who is already quite fond of my cooking and loves books – a man after my own heart!


Russian Syrniki
Servings 4 – 5