
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Book Review: Separation Games

Separation Games (The Games Duet #2)
C.D. Reiss

Release Date: January 3, 2017

Book Description:
The stunning conclusion to the New York Times Bestseller.

These are the unbreakable rules in the game.
Stay collected. Compartmentalize. Think your next move through. Never let your heart dictate your tactics.

The heart is impulsive.
The heart makes bad decisions.
The heart doesn’t see the long game.

Because the heart may have decided to get Adam back, but when the endgame comes, the heart’s going to be the first thing to break.

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If I had to pick one adjective to describe the feeling this novel invoked it would be "exasperating".

I know I will probably get some backlash from all the Reiss' fans (and I do count myself among them) but I couldn't bring myself to find anything redeeming in either Diana nor Adam throughout this novel. And as they went on and on, in the angst-drenched mess of a relationship my irritation and dislike of these characters grew exponentially stronger.