
Sunday, July 21, 2013

I’m back!

Well… Hello there!

I’m back from my NYC/NJ adventures. Thought I’d pop in for a quick hello. Hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was certainly eventful, and mostly filled with good times spent with friends, which I don’t get to do that often, so it was a treat.

I was on business in NYC this past Thursday and thought I’d visit with a few friends while there, which worked out perfectly. Next on my list was a trip to Jersey to visit yet another friend, and help out with her newly acquired home, so shopping was certainly on our list of to-do(s). Between, catching up, shopping, and surviving the crazy heat, we’ve managed to have plenty of fun.

So, you’ll excuse my absence these past few days, as I was mostly unplugged. In fact, I just managed to get through the myriad of emails and other online content that has piled up in such short a time. And, it has certainly been a busy week, at least in the literary/geek world, what with the RWA 2013 (Romance Writers of America) conference and the Comic-Con International going on. I’m looking forward to catching up, getting back to my reviews, and perhaps a few recipes. Speaking of reviews, since I posted the new trailer for Austenland, the movie the other time, I thought I’ll revive one of my old reviews for the book, and re-post here (I’ll have it up shortly).

I’m leaving you off with the new trailer for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire that just premiered at the San-Diego Comic-Con. Are you guys excited? I certainly am.

Victoria, xoxo

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