
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Around the Web #2

As another week bids us adieu, here are some news and stories spreading across the web.

Keep Calm
How the hell did I miss this? There is an actual app that lets you create those awesome “Keep Calm” posters that have been spreading around the web and everywhere else like rapid fire. How cool is that! And, I’m not even going to let you know how much time I killed playing around with this. Proceed at your own risk.

17 Problems Only Book Lovers Will Understand
Self-explanatory. I especially like #2 and #14!

Interactive Literature
Carrie: I'm not going to replace a man with some battery-operated device.
Miranda: You say that, but you haven't met The Rabbit.
Samantha: Oh come on, if you're going to get a vibrator, at least get one called The Horse.
Charlotte: A vibrator does not call you on your birthday. A vibrator doesn't send you flowers the next day. And you cannot take a vibrator home to meet your mother.
Miranda: Well. I know where my next orgasm is coming from. Who here can say as much?
Sex and the City (Season 1).

Well, forget the Rabbit ladies and meet your new best ahem… friend - an audiobook synced vibrator. Yup, you heard me right. I actually came across this the other week, but thought to skip it, until Book Riot staff editor Amanda Nelson put together this fun post. Check it out right here.

B&N Nook
I think Nook users can rejoice. It seems that the B&N made tablet is here to stay (at least for now) despite the revenues slide. Expect the release of new HD, black & white, and color devices this fall.

Happy Birthday Mr. Armitage!
It was Richard Armitage’s birthday on Thursday, August 22 and as a faithful Armitage4Clairmont fan/follower I too wished Mr. Armitage a very happy birthday via Twitter. Ladies must have approved, since it was one of my most popular tweets of the week.

You heard of the #selfie craze by now, I’m sure. Well, booklovers, here’s an idea for you: #bookshelfie. Yup, a bookshelf selfie. Brilliant! 

The Bone Season
The new YA dystopian trilogy making a splash this week is a just published The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. Will it be the next Harry Potter or not, is for you to judge. NPR is making its own predictions here.

The movie-going public did not embrace Ashton Kutcher’s new movie, Jobs, based on the 2011 Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson. Bookish is breaking it down to five reasons why the book beat the movie.

The Mortal Instruments
I was going to stay away from commenting on this, as I just started the book and have not seen the movie yet, but there is so much talk about it, that I couldn’t just pass on it. This article by Girls on Film delves into the problems derived from fan fiction such as The Mortal Instruments.

Holy Batman!
At last, the rumor mill can rest, as the speculation about the next Batman can be put to rest. It was just announced to everyone’s surprise that Ben Affleck will take on the role of the Caped Crusader in the sequel to director Zack Snyder’s summer blockbuster Man of Steel. But, as much as the Armitage daemons cheered on (for it was not the rumored Mr. Armitage, who they hope will be cast in the anticipated movie adaptation of A Discovery of Witches), the general public seemed not to take well to the news. Personally, I don’t have anything against Mr. Affleck, so here’s hoping he’ll be a success in this iconic role.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Armitage!!! As soon as I saw his picture my mind blocked everything else :))) Yum!

    1. Haha! I know, right? The "Armitage daemons" told me that they associate that picture of Richard with me (*beaming*), because I have a thing for him with the beard! :D Luv it!
