
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Around the Web #3

Hi guys! I’m going to be honest and say that I’ve been slacking this week. Well, perhaps “slacking” is not quite the right word for it, but I’ve taken some time off from work and internet, and unfortunately reading. But, I’m determined to fix it in the coming weeks, especially the reading part. But for now, I’m spending a lovely long weekend with family and friends, and I hope so are you.

Happy Labor Day!

13 Worst Things That Can Happen While You’re Reading
Oh Buzzfeed, you know us so well…

13 Worst Things That Can Happen While You’re Reading ~ Link

15 Fabulous Bookish Pinterest Boards
Book Riot put together a fabulous list of bookish Pinterest boards. Check these boards out guys! And, feel free to pin away…

15 Fabulous Bookish Pinterest Boards ~ Link

Harry Potter
I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since Harry Potter. Time flies. Perhaps, it’s all just magic? No matter, the beloved series are celebrating its 15th year anniversary, and J.K. Rowling tells ABC News about the character she misses most – Dumbledore. “Us too, J.K.! We miss him too.”

“Harry Potter” 15 Years Later: J.K. Rowling Misses Dumbledore the Most ~ Link

Literary Art
I couldn’t help but share this with you guys, cause I just love it. And I thank my friend Dorimar for sharing the link with me.

Literary London Map ~ Link

Fall TV
Well, if bookish shows are on your to-watch list, then you are in luck. Word&Film put together a nice list of new fall shows based on books.

Books on the Boob Tube: 10 New Fall Shows Based on Books ~ Link

And... *drumroll* please! It's finally here. The first official trailer for the new movie Divergent, based on the young adult book trilogy by Veronica Roth. I’m so excited for this one – can’t wait till 2014!

Victoria, xoxo

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