
Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi guys! Hope everyone had a nice weekend; I certainly did, although once again, it went by terribly quick. I had lots of things planed, from cleaning the house for the main event on Thursday, to finalizing the menu and devising a plan, shopping, cooking, reading, writing [which didn’t really happen,] and I managed to squeeze in an outing to the movies to watch Thor: The Dark World [it was fun & and Loki was such a lovable villain]

I’m starting to realize I’m probably horrible at organizing my time or am very successful at procrastination, but now is really not the time to start panicking. I got a plan – a Thanksgiving menu, a number of guests, a clean presentable house, and I know we are going to have a lovely time. And for those of you celebrating this Thursday, I hope you also have set plans in place and are ready to have a great time. But if you are still in search of some ideas then check out my Thanksgiving Pinterest board where I’ve been collecting holiday recipes old and new. It’s not a huge board yet but there is a pretty good variety and I’m adding new things every day. If you’d like to contribute to the board – I’d love to hear from you – leave a comment or email me with links.

Here's a look at my inspiration menu:

2013 Thanksgiving Menu
Perfect Pear Salad
Thanksgiving Green Beans
Pommes Dauphinoise (Potatoes au Gratin)
Three-Mushroom Dressing with Prosciutto
Herb-Roasted Turkey
Cranberry-Orange Sauce
Apple Pie (Family Recipe)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Victoria, xoxo


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I too am hosting and my shopping is all done, if I can get off this computer my home will be clean too. I have today and tomorrow to clean, but work Weds and my guests arrive weds night.

    1. Thank you ladies! And Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

      Good luck hosting Kimba! :) I have the same problem, I'm too addicted to my computer to leave it alone completely and get things done.
