
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hi guys! I’ve been crazy busy these past few weeks: lots of work, last minute errands, and everything else in between. I’m tired just thinking about it, still the holidays are here and I’m ready to take a well deserved break. The presents are wrapped, the house is decorated and delicious treats are cooking in the kitchen. And speaking of treats, if you need a last minute holiday treat idea then try these Eggnog Doughnut Muffins from The Kitchn. They were absolutely delicious when I made them the other night, and the divine aroma when they came out of the oven… Well, you get the idea, so try them!

Merry Christmas!

Victoria, xoxo


  1. Merry Christmas and those muffins look wonderful!!

  2. Merry Christmas :D They look delish

    1. Thank you girls! :) The muffins definitely must try - very good, co-workers and family approved.
