
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy 1st Blogoversary & *Big* Announcement!

Photo Credit: leontine via Compfight cc

Hi guys! I can hardly believe it but today Zemfirka Blogs is celebrating its one year anniversary and I couldn’t be happier or proud of this milestone! I took up blogging on a whirl and fell absolutely in love with it. It’s been a truly amazing year, from meeting so many great bloggers, readers, and authors *grins* to visiting Book Expo America and having one of my reviews quoted in a book by one of my favorite authors nonetheless. I can go on and on as you probably know but I will keep it short and sweet and simply thank all of you for the support, encouragement, inspiration and love – you guys rock!

A special thanks to…

Mindi Havens Wells @ My Literary Obsession

Thank you!

Also, as promised I have some very exciting news to share with you. At the end of December I’ve announced a co-blogger search, wishing to find someone who would share with me the blogging responsibilities and more importantly love for reading and reviewing amazing books. So I couldn’t be happier to say that I’ve gotten an amazing offer which I couldn’t refuse. And starting this month I will be joining the ever amazing Karina over at Nocturnal Book Reviews [or NBR]. *Squee*

What does it mean for Zemfirka Blogs you ask? Well, I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time and the blog will remain for your perusal as always, I might even post an occasional review here and there [or a recipe if the fancy strikes me], but for the most part I will continue my blogging adventures at Nocturnal Book Reviews, which is a fabulous book review blog that I’ve been a fan of for some time now and am encouraging all of you to check out and follow as well. Karina, aside being an amazing blogger, is also a friend and simply a lovely person; we share many similar tastes in books so there is always exciting possibility of joint reviews to come. So come visit us at NBR and as always you can find me on Goodreads, Twitter, and Pinterest.

To new beginnings!

Victoria, xoxo


  1. I gave you an offer you couldn't refuse! *mwahaha* :))) But jokes aside, I am very glad and honored you'll be my co-blogger, Vika! xxx *huge hugs*

    1. Of course you did! & I'm super excited!!! :) Can't wait for everyone to read awesome reviews! *Hugs*

  2. First congrats on one year anniversary and I adore Kara so I am excited about the merger! Thanks for the shout-out and of course I will be following you!!

  3. I wasn't sure if I should comment here or @ Nocturnal Book Reviews, since you used your Google + profile when commenting on my blog, and didn't leave a link...Anyway, thank you for visiting, and I wish you a great blogging double life ;). I'll make sure to look into your recipes too...they're new to me :).

    1. Hehe, either is fine! :) But thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you try some of those recipes too.
