
Sunday, July 14, 2013

On recent book & movie news…

Hi guys! Another weekend happened to speed by and all too late I’ve realized that I haven’t managed to do half the things I was planning to do. Does that ever happen to you? If not then you are much better planners than I am my friends. Speaking of plans, yet again I’m NYC bound this week, although this is more of a business trip rather than enjoying the sights. No matter, I just hope the weather is decent that I don’t melt in the city. But let us skip further weather talk and instead talk book-to-movie news. Shall we?

Outlander – Jamie Fraser

As you might’ve heard, especially if you are an Outlander fan, Starz (TV channel) and Sony are partnering up to produce an adaptation of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander book series. And, while all the fans have been absolutely excited about the prospect of seeing the characters come to life on TV, the biggest speculation was about one particular character – Jamie Fraser. Is there such an actor that can become our beloved Jamie? Well, the question is now settled, as Sam Heughan has been officially cast for the role. *Squee!*

What do you guys think? After initial hesitation, I am now totally on board with Sam Heughan and think he’ll be wonderful in the role. To his credit, he’s been very generous on Twitter by actively engaging in conversation with both Diana Gabaldon and the numerous Outlander fans who have bombarded him with tweets ever since the announcement, myself included. So, I just wanted to take a moment and say “Thank you Sam!” for being so responsive and understanding – you rock!

Of course, you cannot make everyone happy, but I’m pretty sure that Starz made Diana Gabaldon happy with their choice, as she has been actively supporting their decision. So, to all the naysayers – the woman has spoken, and she approves. Dinna fash!

The White Queen

Starz is also bringing another book series to the screen this summer. The White Queen, based on the bestselling historical novel series by Philippa Gregory, The Cousins’ War. Check it out, it is set to air on August 10, 2013 (BBC One June 16, 2013).

Gone Girl – Nick Dunne

I have to admit I have not read Gillian Flynn's best-selling thriller Gone Girl, but I thought I’d note it anyway. It seems that Ben Affleck is set to star in David Fincher’s adaptation of the novel. [That, and I really like this picture of Ben Affleck, so… enjoy.]

J.K. Rowling – Crime Novelist

In other news, it’s been revealed the other day, that J.K. Rowling has recently published an adult crime novel – The Cuckoo's Calling under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith. Most reviews have found this novel quite satisfying and even praised “the debut author,” although the sales were far from what one would expect from a J.K. Rowling book. Nevertheless, while Ms. Rowling enjoyed her freedom of expression, I’m sure the sales will spike significantly now, as even Goodreads has noted the number of readers that have added this particular novel to their TBR lists since the announcement. Makes one wonder… Is this one making your TBR list? I’m personally still on the fence.

So, there you have it… I think that is all that I gathered this week. Are you curious, excited, or interested in any of the above? Would love to hear your thoughts guys!


…and I’m going to leave you off with the first official trailer of Austenland by Shannon Hale, staring Keri Russell. Austenland is produced by Stephanie Meyer [yes! the Twilight Stephanie Meyer] and has premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. I’m quite looking forward to this one in fact. I think it might be one of those movies that improves the original it is based on.

Victoria, xoxo


  1. I haven't read Austenland, but when I saw the trailer I knew I wanted to see the movie, Vika! :) Thanks for the excellent news and good luck with your NYC trip!

    1. Thanks! :-)
      Yeah, I think the movie looks great! I'm quite surprised cause the book didn't I'm impress me much, but you never know. :-)
