
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Around the Web #5

Well… Hello there! Sorry, I’m a bit late this week with this post, it’s been a hectic week at work, but all is good now. I’ve finally gotten to my computer and here I am, once again, eager to share the webby links from the week past.

*Just a quick note, I’m off to jolly Canada next week for work, and it might be a bit quiet around here. But, fear not, dear friends – I shall be back! 

Elizabeth Hunter
You are probably tired of hearing me talk about the new highly anticipated series from Elizabeth Hunter, titled The Irin Chronicles, but bear with me just a bit longer. I was doing a happy dance on Friday as I got an email from Elizabeth herself, with an ARC of The Scribe. So excited that I get to read it and tell you all about it… soon. Stay tuned!

For now, you can check out another teaser from The Scribe and follow the links to add the book to your Goodreads and/or pre-order via Amazon.

Invoking the Senses: Another teaser from THE SCRIBE ~ Link

Amazon US | Goodreads

And to my fellow audiobook-lovers I’m happy to tell you that both Elemental Mysteries and Elemental World series are now available via audio. Woohoo!

Audiobooks Now Available! ~ Link

A Discovery of Witches
For A Discovery of Witches fans, Deb posted this Friday Treat this week, and I thought it was really neat. It’s been on my mind to re-read this book, and it seems like it might be the perfect time.

Friday Treat: Real Time Re-reading of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES. Five years ago, around 7 September 2008, I started writing what would turn out to be A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES. As many of you know, the main action of the book takes place over forty days between September 21 and October 31. Diana Bishop's first encounter with Ashmole 782, however, occurred on September 18. So if you're wondering how to spend your time between now and Halloween, and waiting for news about book #3, why not re-read A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES as the action elapses? Some days have more than one chapter, and others have none at all, but it's interesting to read it and have just as much time as Diana and Matthew did to absorb the enormous changes happening to them, and all around them. It may give you new insights.

Note: because the action of the book starts on a Friday, the days of the week will be wrong, even though the dates are right and you will end up, as they did, on Halloween.

September 18: chapter 1
September 21: chapters 2 and 3
September 22: chapters 4 and 5
September 23: chapter 6
September 24: chapter 7
September 25: chapter 8
September 26: chapter 9 and chapter 10 (which continue through September 29)
September 30: chapter 11
October 1: chapter 12
October 2: chapter 13
October 3: chapter 14
October 5: chapter 15 and chapter 16
October 6: chapter 17 and chapter 18
October 7: chapter 19 and chapter 20
October 8: chapter 21, chapter 22, and chapter 23
October 9: chapter 24 and chapter 25
October 10: chapter 26
October 11: chapter 27
October 12: chapter 28, chapter 29, chapter 30, and chapter 31
October 13: chapter 32 and chapter 33
October 14: chapter 34, chapter 35, and chapter 36
October 15: chapter 37 (which continues to October 19)
October 20: chapter 38 (which continue to October 21)
October 22: chapter 39 (which continues to October 28)
October 29: chapter 40
October 30: chapter 41
October 31: chapter 42
November 1: chapter 43

Friday Treat: Real Time Re-reading of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES ~ Link

J.K. Rowling
This was an exciting week indeed, as J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. announced a new movie franchise, set in the Harry Potter universe. The story will follow the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newt Scamander, set 70-years prior to the events of the Harry Potter series and will be penned by J.K. Rowling herself. *fangirl-ing in progress*

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ~ Link

JK Rowling to Write New Film Series Set in the World of Harry Potter ~ Link

J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. announce new movie franchise set in wizarding world ~ Link

OK. I must say, I’m seriously impressed by the stellar job Outlander/Starz are doing in casting for this original series based on Diana Gabaldon’s novels. First they gave us Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser, and now, after what seemed like forever they’ve found the perfect Claire, by casting Caitriona Balfe. I’m excited, and can’t wait to see these books come alive on-screen.

Caitriona Balfe cast in Starz’s ‘Outlander’ series ~ Link

Oh… and, if you are an Outlander fan and haven’t seen this – it’s an absolutely hilarious post.

Ten Tips for husbands if The Wife is obsessed with Outlander ~ Link

Hubby and I, had been planning to go to the movies all week long, but didn’t manage. I’m eager to see quite a few of the new movies out now, but at the top of my list is the third installment in this sci-fi saga, Riddick, starring Vin Diesel. And, it’s been doing great at the box office.

Riddick blasts into US box office ~ Link

Burn Notice
Last, but certainly not least, Burn Notice, a USA Network original spy drama, that I’ve watched on/off for seven years, has finally bid adieu with an explosive series finale. I think I’ll very much miss hearing Michael Westen’s voiceovers, describing the ways of the spies, but it’s been a good run and a fitting end.

“My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy until…” “We got a burn notice on you. You're blacklisted.”

Burn Notice Finale Postmortem: Creator on the Big Death, That Final Scene and a Spin-Off ~ Link

'Burn Notice' Finale: Seven Things We'll Miss About The Spy Drama ~ Link

Victoria, xoxo


  1. Love the idea of real-time reading A Discovery of Witches! It's been on my to-read list for a while now but I'm starting it today, September 18th. Loving your blog!

    1. Thanks Amanda! :) I hope you enjoy A Discovery of Witches as much as I had.
