
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Around the Web #9

Hi guys! I must apologize for being a bit quiet this week. Work was unexpectedly busy this past week, which sidetracked me off of my reading/writing schedule. Fear not though, I have some great reviews in the works and next week Allegiant will finally be here - woohoo! I can’t wait to read it and just hope it was worth the wait. Have a good weekend!

Neil Gaiman
A brilliant talk given by Neil Gaiman at The Reading Agency on necessity of reading and keeping our libraries open for the brighter future.

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming ~ Link

Jane Eyer
There is no secret that many things can be learned through literature, so why not heed advice from a fictional heroine? Take a look at Jane Eyer’s advice to women on living well.

Charlotte Brontë

11 Lessons That 'Jane Eyre' Can Teach Every 21st Century Woman About How To Live Well ~ Link

Publishing & E-books
Iceland apparently is experiencing a boom of writers while we are dissecting the controversial subject of self-published erotica. So is it censorship or are we protecting the public from inappropriate content? I’m on the fence on this one, perhaps shall just move to Iceland. 

Iceland: Where one in 10 people will publish a book ~ Link

Offensive e-book controversy highlights issues with self-publishing ~ Link

Self-published pornographic e-books cause trouble for Amazon, Kobo ~ Link

And while we are on the subject, as you might have heard Apple
is looking to solve a question of autographs and e-books, by bridging this gap. But then, does an autograph carry the same meaning, if that face-to-face connection is broken?

Apple’s exploring ways to autograph e-books. What does that even mean? ~ Link

Book Riot
Book Riot has partnered with Quarterly and is offering a quarterly box with books and bookish stuff to subscribers, $50 and the box is yours!

Subscribe to Book Riot’s New Quarterly Box! ~ Link

Outlander casting people are putting together an incredible cast, so I have very high hopes for this series to take off. And this week they brought us news of Jenny Fraser Murray, Geillis Duncan, and Rev. Wakefield. Way to go Starz!

Jenny Fraser Murray portrayed by Laura Donnelly
Geillis Duncan portrayed by Lotte Verbeek
Rev. Wakefield portrayed by James Fleet

Laura Donnelly Cast in Starz's Original Series OUTLANDER ~ Link

Cooking Corner
Need a dinner idea? Try this easy recipe from SmittenKitchen. If you've never made pizza at home - make this one! It's fabulous. Deb has a similar recipe in her cookbook that I've used ever since I discovered it. It's simple, perfect, and delicious!

lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza ~ Link

Victoria, xoxo


  1. Hope your work will get quieter soon, Vika! *hugs*

    1. Thank you hun! It'll be alright, just part of the job, there are always fires to put out at deadlines. ;-)
