
Monday, December 30, 2013

Announcement: Co-Blogger Search

Photo Credit: leontine via Compfight cc

Hi guys! As some of you might know I started blogging earlier this year and absolutely fell in love with it. From discovering an amazing variety of wonderful blogs out there, to connecting with readers, authors, and of course other bloggers, not to mention the fabulous books I got to read this year, I feel I’ve been pretty fortunate and have to thank all of you for your support and encouragement along the way. My sincere wish is to continue sharing my love for books (and hopefully cooking!) with you. However, I feel that the blog and I can really benefit from finding or joining together with some new partner(s) in crime. So, this is a call to all: if you or anyone you know is looking for any type of co-blogging opportunities I would be happy to hear about it!

A little about myself and what I am looking for…

I consider myself a pretty friendly and laid-back person. I started blogging because I really wanted to share my love for books. I enjoy reading, writing reviews, discovering new authors, and interacting with others who share the same passion. So, first of all, you Must Love Books, and talking about them of course! If you have previous experience writing reviews, blogging, and are an HTML/JAVA/etc. guru – I love you already! (But seriously, I’m pretty open so talk to me!) As with many other things in life you have to consider blogging as a commitment. It is a great experience, but before you decide to dive in please think whether you can devote enough time to being an active member of the blog.

As for books, my current blog does not focus on a specific genre. My personal preference is for paranormal romance, steampunk, and historical fiction. I like a healthy dose of romance in most books I read, but otherwise if it caught my attention – I want to read it (Adult, YA, NA, even MG if it sounds quirky and interesting). So, if you are curious, have ideas for a new blog, want to join Zemfirka Blogs, or invite me to join your blog drop me a line. I’d be happy to hear from you!

Contact Me

xoxo, Victoria


  1. Good luck Victoria. I will mention this on my Sunday Post this week :)

  2. I'm going to share this on my Facebook. What sort of things are you looking for this co-blogger to do?

    1. Krystle - I'm pretty open to various options but my preference would be for someone to share the responsibilities of blogging with me.

  3. Come to mine, Vika! We've got such similar tastes in books, so it will be great! :))) and you'll practice your Russian *wink* Actually I'm really serious. Come to the dark side :)

    1. Really? I'd be honored! :D I'm just not sure anyone should be subject to my Russian though - I haven't been really writing in Russian since probably 16 (and that's been awhile ago...) :) I'm scared to know how bad my grammar got and I barely know the Russian keyboard. Other than that I would be happy to!!!

  4. Squee!!!! I'd absolutely love to have you, Vikulia! :))) I'm gonna write to you, hold on. Don't worry about your Russian. I'll be correcting it, no problem, and after awhile you'll remember on your own. huge hugs xxx

    1. So excited! Couldn't have asked for better opportunity. ;)
