
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Release Day Launch: Love Hacked

Today I’m excited to celebrate release of Penny Reid’s newest novel – Love Hacked. And if you haven’t had a chance to check out Penny’s books before, you are totally missing out because her books are smart, funny, sexy, and all in all fabulous. So add Love Hacked to your to-read list and head on over to Nocturnal Book Reviews for a joint review of Love Hacked by Karina and I.

Love Hacked (Knitting in the City #3)
Penny Reid

Release Date: March 11, 2014

Penny Reid

Book Description:
There are three things you need to know about Sandra Fielding: 1) She makes all her first dates cry, 2) She hasn't been kissed in over two years, and 3) She knows how to knit.

Sandra has difficulty removing her psychotherapist hat. Of her last 30 dates, 29 have ended the same way: the man sobbing uncontrollably. After one such disaster, Sandra--near desperation and maybe a little tipsy--gives in to a seemingly harmless encounter with her hot waiter, Alex. Argumentative, secretive, and hostile Alex may be the opposite of everything Sandra knows is right for her. But now, the girl who has spent all her life helping others change for the better, must find a way to cope with falling for someone who refuses to change at all.

This is a full-length, 110k word novel and is the third book in the Knitting in the City series. All books in the series can be read as a standalone.

Amazon US | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About the Author:

SEX! It all started with sex, between my parents. Personally I don’t like thinking about it, but whatever works for you is a-ok with me. No judgment. The sex happened in California and much of my life also occurred in that state until I moved from the land of nuts (almonds), wine, silicon… boobs, and heavy traffic to the southeast US. Like most writers I like to write, but let’s get back to sex. Eventually I married and gave birth to 2 small people-children (boy-6, girl-4 as of this writing).

By day I’m a biomedical researcher with focus on rare diseases. By night I’m a knitter, sewer, lino block carver, fabric printer, soap maker, and general crafter. By the wee hours of the morning or when I’m intoxicated I love to listen to the voices in my head and let them tell me stories.  I hope you enjoy their stories.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

Knitting in the City Series:
Neanderthal Seeks Human: A Smart Romance (Knitting in the City #1)
Neanderthal Marries Human (Knitting in the City #1.5)
Expected Publication: May 2014
Friends Without Benefits (Knitting in the City #2)
Love Hacked (Knitting in the City #3)
Beauty and the Mustache (Knitting in the City #4)
Expected Publication: September, 2014

Tour Organized by: Indie Sage, LLC


  1. This sounds good, I am off to read your dual review!

    1. Yes, I'm really enjoying this series! :) And I think you would too.
      Not to confuse anyone, the review link is to the review published on Feb 14 (we had a chance to read this novel early, ahead of it's official release date, which is today).
