
Monday, September 21, 2015

Recipe: Russian Syrniki

Hi there! How have you been guys?

It’s been a very long time since my last post; in fact, I’ve taken a semi-permanent break from blogging to do some other fun and exciting things (a bit on that later). So I know it’s a little strange to find this blog post pop up here, especially since early last year I joined Karina’s blog – Nocturnal Book Reviews (which you should totally check out!) and closed the shop here, so to speak. But, tonight I made these absolutely easy and delicious syrniki that I felt the need to share with you – so here I am with a new recipe!

And, no, before you ask, I’m not back to blogging, (just yet at least). Life is a bit crazy around here these days, that I don’t want to commit to a regular blog. But it is certainly fun! What, with an addition of a rambunctious, adorable little boy in our household who is already quite fond of my cooking and loves books – a man after my own heart!


Russian Syrniki
Servings 4 – 5

16 oz tvorog- Russian style farmer’s cheese
½ - 1 cup flour plus ¼ cup for dusting syrniki
½ tsp. baking powder
3-4 tbsp. vanilla sugar (or 3 tbsp. sugar + 1 tsp. vanilla extract)
1-2 large eggs
1½ tsp. poppy seeds (optional)
3 dried apricots, diced (optional)
Zest of ½ a lemon (optional)
2 tbsp. extra light olive oil (or other neutral oil) for frying
Powdered sugar, to finish (also optional)

Combine tvorog, flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, and any of the optional ingredients in a large bowl. Add the eggs, one at a time – you want the consistency of scones dough so you can form patties with it.

In a large frying pan, heat olive oil and set to medium heat. With two spoons or an ice cream scooper (my personal preference) scoop the batter then form the balls into round patties. Dust with some flour on both sides and fry for a couple minutes until syrniki become golden brown in color. Flip them over, reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid. Cook for additional 6-8 minutes.

Syrniki are best served hot, but will keep just fine in the fridge and are quite good cold.

Finish with powdered sugar or serve with a dollop of sour cream, condensed milk (to satisfy that sweet tooth), or simply enjoy as is!

Bon appétit


  1. I hear you on the crazy life. I've been trying to work through that as well. lol.

    Those do look delicious!

    1. Hehe, good luck with your crazy life too then! ;-)

      These are totally delicious - I promise. If you can find (or maybe make some tvorog; hmm perhaps farmers cheese would work too...) they are totally worth it.

      Thanks for stopping by!
