
Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016: My Year in Books

Here we are... 2016 has been a tough year in many ways, but I'd like to remember it for all the great reads I had the pleasure of reading: both new and old.

It's been a year of Ilona Andrews' books for me. I finally took the plunge and basically devoured most of their back catalog, including Kate Daniels, The Edge, and Innkeeper Chronicles (this time on audio, which is absolutely fabulous by the way). The only problem now, I'm all caught up and have no idea what I shall do with myself - perhaps I need a re-read?! #sendhelpandbooks


I also had the pleasure of reading some great new books by some of my favorite authors, including Elizabeth Hunter, Penny Reid, and C.D. Reiss.


A new series by Bec McMaster, (who published three books in three separate series this year) surprised me in a pleasant way. So, if you think you would enjoy a post-apocalyptic romance, with Mad Max meets Warm Bodies vibe, and a shifter antihero in the lead then check out Nobody's Hero (Burned Lands #1) - I found it highly entertaining.


This year I started Patrcia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series. I'm currently listening to Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson #5) on audio and I'm still a bit iffy about the narrator - Lorelei King. I do like the world and the stories, but I think it's up against unfair competition - no one quite compares to Kate *heart eyes*.

I checked out the hyped Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat, which was not quite for me, but I finished all three books nonetheless *laughs*. I also enjoyed the first two novels in The Bourbon Kings series by J.R. Ward, and Jojo Moyes' Me Before You (I had to, before the movie of course! *winks*).


So there you have it - my top reads of 2016 (you can see my Goodreads graphic here). Which books made your list this year? 

Happy reading and a joyful New Year!


  1. I really need to get on the Elizabeth Hunter train. You and Karina are such big fans! And yes, nothing else we can do about the suckfest that was 2016, so let's wallow in the greatness of the books that we've read this year.

    1. Oh, you totally need to give Hunter a try. I think you'll enjoy it. Happy new year to you and yours. 😉
