
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Book Review: Blood and Sand

Blood and Sand (Elemental World #2)
Elizabeth Hunter

Release Date: May 28, 2013

Book Description:
Dead women are showing up in the desert east of San Diego, and no one understands why. When the story comes to the attention of reporter Natalie Ellis, she can’t help but make comparisons to tragic deaths she’d investigated years ago. Are these women the victims of a serial killer, or something even more insidious?

Bodies may be piling up in his sire’s territory, but water vampire and feared enforcer Baojia is stuck entertaining the rich and clueless at a club in San Diego. He’s taken his exile with all the grace he could muster, but his patience is starting to thin.

Sparks fly when mortal and immortal are thrown together, and Natalie comes face to face with a reality that was lurking in the corners of her life. Pursuing the truth could cost Baojia everything, including the mortal woman who has earned his grudging respect.

Blood and Sand is the second novel in the expanded Elemental World series.

Amazon US | Goodreads

ARC received courtesy of the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. Thank you!

Aah! We are back in the Elemental World of vampires, mysteries and whirlwind romances. And I think this might be my new favorite. No, really! Don’t get me wrong, I am usually pretty tough when rating and reviewing, even when I like the novels, but this one has made me happy. Perhaps it has to do with the characters or the writer’s style but in general this spinoff series and original Elemental Mysteries have a well-deserved spot on my favorites list.

This is the second installment in the expanded Elemental World series, and it is Baojia’s book. Baojia is a water vampire, previously introduced in the Elemental Mysteries franchise. Powerful and feared by his enemies, he is loyal to his sire and family, and has been doing their bidding for over a hundred years, acting as the clan’s main enforcer and protector. But ever since the events of The Force of Wind (Elemental Mysteries #3), he has been demoted in his duties and sent away to oversee his sire’s club in San Diego. Finding little use of his skills and abilities, Baojia finds his life in San Diego excruciatingly boring, until one day a curious reporter shows up at the club to question him in connection with an ongoing investigation of murders happening across the border.

Natalie Ellis, being a reporter, is determined to uncover the truth and get justice, no matter the cost. She is smart, curious, persistent, and has little to no self-preservation sense. She is also human, and is about to find herself amidst the world of vampires, and their complex politics and intrigues; whose dangerous games are far beyond what her investigative hypotheses would construe. So, naturally she is the perfect girl for Baojia, aside from the fact that she is human and very stubborn. The two set out to solve the mystery – on an adventure that would test not only their beliefs and family ties, but also spark new love.

As always, Elizabeth Hunter’s story is filled with saucy dialogue, plot twist and turns, a cast of familiar characters, and one very argumentative yet passionate couple, who aren’t too shy about public displays of affection (cue a very hot, middle of the desert type of affection).

The returning characters including Beatrice, Gio, Tenzin, Ben, Dez and Matt Kirby, Brigid and of course Carwyn, bike in tow *swoon*, are there to aid our couple find their way in this Elemental World. It feels as if an Elemental Mysteries reunion was taking place here, with old friends all present to celebrate – time to party I say!

Villainous vampires aside, the Elixir is still wreaking mayhem this side of the universe and is the grand mystery tying together this and the prior series.  Luckily, the whole gang is there to save the world once again, amidst love, friendship, and all else. Perhaps, slightly sappy and predictable at times, it is nonetheless a welcome flow of events, which kept me well-entertained throughout.

So, if you are a fan of Elizabeth Hunter’s writing and have read the previous books in her Elemental universe I have no doubts that you are eagerly anticipating the release of this novel. And if you’ve never read any of these books – go on and give it a try so you can fall in love with these books and its characters as much as I had; because truly, Ms. Hunter is getting better by the book.

Happy reading!

Elemental Mysteries/World:

A Hidden Fire (Elemental Mysteries Book One)
This Same Earth (Elemental Mysteries Book Two)
The Force of Wind (Elemental Mysteries Book Three)
A Fall of Water (Elemental Mysteries Book Four)
Building From Ashes (Elemental World Book One)
Waterlocked (An Elemental World Novella)
Blood and Sand (Elemental World Book Two)


  1. Completely agree with you, - she is better with every book. Plus my main problem with Corwyn's book disappears here: there are no repetitions, which is great! :)

    1. I absolutely loved this one! And the best part, for me, is that Gio & Co. were all back. :D
