
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On the road (BEA and other happenings)…

Road trips, blogging and BEA:
It’s been a lovely Memorial Day weekend. My dear husband and I took to the road, all the way to Western New York, dogs in tow. Our list of festivities included plenty of barbequing, nights spent by the bonfire, and quality time with family and some close friends. Indeed, a very relaxing trip, aside the long drive. Gratefully, the husband allowed me the pleasure of burying my nose in my Kindle on our way back. So, some reading done, I shall have a few new reviews coming soon - I promise! 

I’ve also devoted some time to fiddling with the blog, which is hopefully for the best. For me, it is still work in progress, which I’m sure, will be the case for a long time to come, which is great. I learn and discover new things all the time, and it is what makes this experience that much better. For example, I am determined to become better at food photography and have found some very neat literature to assist me in this endeavor. (For those interested in food photography check out this handy book by Matt Armendariz of Matt Bites, entitled Focus on Food Photography for Bloggers. Very helpful, non-intimidating read for those new to photography like me). I am also experimenting with blog banner and blog button, but all in due time. 

Besides all the technical behind-the-scenes stuff, I’ve had the chance and opportunity to meet and interact with many interesting people, bloggers, and authors and I am looking forward to doing more so in the future. Speaking of which, my dear husband is being dragged happily agreed to accompany me on my first trip to Book Expo America or “BEA” this week in NYC. So, another road trip is in the cards for us. Since I still have a day job, I am only attending the Power Readers portion of the event (Saturday, June 1), but I am very excited. And I hope to meet and network with lots people, so if you are there – come find me?

I’ve been fortunate to find and read some great tittles over the past month. So, I am delighted I gave blogging a chance – it seems to offer a wealth of opportunities and learning experiences. One of these opportunities was a chance to read and review the new offering by one of my favorite authors – Elizabeth Hunter. And I did love the book! (You can read all about it here). I was super excited when the author found my review “wonderful” and then completely ecstatic that an excerpt from my review made it to the book’s sales page (e.g. Amazon) – how awesome is that? Excuse me while I jump for joy with a huge grin plastered across my face. Totally thrilled! 

Victoria, xoxo

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