
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Book Review: Fall of Sky City

Fall of Sky City (Devices of War #1)
S.M. Blooding

Release Date: March 8, 2013

Book Description:
In a world governed by the opposing forces of the mystical House of Tarot and the tribal Great Families, Synn is caught in the crossfire. He witnesses the slaughter of innocent people, and the devastating murder of his father. This act awakens his Mark of power, a Mark greater than any the world has seen in a very long time.

Queen Nix thought she won a great prize when she destroyed Synn’s father, the leader of the strongest Great Families. She had no idea she’d be doubly blessed by capturing his son. However, before Synn can become her treasured weapon, before she can use him to bring the rest of the world to its knees, she must break him and bind his soul to hers.

She does her job with brutal brilliance. Synn’s mind is broken and his soul is seared to hers in an unbreakable bond.

That doesn’t stop him from wanting to be free. She may have broken his mind and claimed his soul, but he will find a way to destroy her.

Experience a world of ships that sail the clouds and cites buried beneath the ocean, and survive the fiery battle brought forth by those who control the forces of nature!

Amazon US | Goodreads

I received this book compliment of the author in exchange for fair and honest review. Thank you!

"Killer Queen" by Queen

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, guillotine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind

Welcome aboard! You are about to immerse yourself into the world of steampunk adventures and unique fantasy world building; sail the ships through expanse of cool, windy skies, and dive deep into the blue oceans where whole cities have flourished. We follow Synn and his friends on their adventures as they learn to navigate the world amidst a war with an evil Queen Nix, who will stop at nothing to claim Synn as her own.

I find myself quite fortunate having had this book practically fall into my hands, because I enjoyed the story immensely and surprisingly so. At first, the story developed slowly and I dreaded the thought I will not find it interesting or entertaining, but once the first layers of foundation were laid, we were off on a fast-paced adventure ride. Ms. Blooding has managed to masterfully weave her story, devoting a great deal of attention to her unique and incredible world building, where it’s easy to lose oneself in the world of fantasy, adventure, and heroes.

As for heroes, Synn and his friends were quite heroic, interesting and compelling. They felt real, as they learned to work together, struggled to make the right choices, to survive and fight along one another, yet they never forgot to sprinkle everything with a sense of humor and a dash of sarcasm. While young Synn trained to harness his newly emerged magical abilities and was taking the reins of leadership for a trial spin, the evil Queen Nix was close on his heels. Cunning, powerful, and seductive Nix is the villainess to love. Throughout the novel I kept wishing for more sightings of Nix, to witness her evil highness in action, alas there were only glimpses, but I am hopeful we get a good dose of her next time. 

“You cannot win, Synn,” she whispered. “You shall be mine.” She rose, leaving me on the floor. “Bring him to my chambers. We’ll see if there’s anything in the boy worth salvaging as a man." (p. 41).

Ultimately, all elements combined made for one great, captivating story and a nice cliffhanger ending, that will leave readers wanting more. I am now eagerly anticipating the second installment and hope that Ms. Blooding is fast at writing…

Happy reading!


  1. Thank you for such an awesome review! I think you'll like what I'm doing with book 2. More Nix. More adventure. And the world building just...OMW! I just had a blast with it! *grin*

    1. You are very welcome! & I truly enjoyed it - very fun and love the world.
      Yey! I'm really looking forward to book 2 now! Gotta have more Nix! ;)

  2. Okay, I'm intrigued now and adding it to my wishlist, Vika! Thanks for a lovely review :)

    1. :) I think you would like this one. Was actually thinking I need to tell you about it, haha! I found it quite unique...
