
Monday, June 10, 2013


Hi guys! It seems that weeks have been flying by and it’s already almost mid-June. Crazy, isn’t it? I still feel as though we’ve just celebrated the winter holidays… But, on the bright side, the weather has been generally wonderful, rainy days aside. It is not yet hot and humid here in New England, but just the right kind of balance which makes you yearn to spend more time outside. So, why not grab a good book and head outside to your favorite spot, be it the park, the waterfront, or whichever other place. And, I am going to assist you in this endeavor by giving away one of the seven novels I’ve picked up at Book Expo America the other week. Your choice!

Victoria, xoxo 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

“Open to Residents of the US only. Winner will be selected at random and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. This giveaway is free of charge, no purchase necessary. My opinions are my own and were not influenced by any form of compensation. By providing your information in this form, you are providing your information to me and me alone. I do not share or sell information and will use any information only for the purpose of contacting the winner.”


  1. I would choose The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    underhillholly at yahoo dot com

  2. I would choose Walking Disaster because I enjoyed Beautiful Disaster and I'm looking forward to how the story will continue.

    1. Whoops.

      My email is
      I follow through GFC and Bloglovin'.

  3. I would pick the Coldest Girl in Coldtown. Looks interesting! Great idea for a giveaway! :-)

  4. My email is: a/k/a Jen Gelder. I follow you on Twitter and Pinterest! :-)

  5. Thank you for entering the giveaway! :) And good luck!

  6. I would choose Relic! I hadn't heard of it before but it kinds really good! Thanks so much btw I love your blog! I'm a new follower,

    Diamond Dee @

    1. Followed via bloglovin And GFC! (Same name for GFC! Bloglovin name-- Diamond Nazaneen)

      My blog-- dee's reads @

    2. Thanks! :) Just checked your blog - and followed back! via GFC/Bloglovin ;)

    3. Cool! I also followed via networked blogs bc I realized GFC doesn't totally count since it's going away! (Just so u know why I entered today that I followed too, on the Rafflecopter) :)

  7. I would love The Coldest Girl in Coldtown or Fire with Fire.

    I'm following you on GFC and Bloglovin! And I spread the word on Facebook.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  8. I would definitely choose The Coldest Girl in Coldtown! Amazing giveaway! :)

    You can find me here:
    Sabrina @iheartyafiction

  9. Spread the news on my blog's facebook page. :)

    I Heart Y.A. Fiction

  10. We have a winner! Holly J. :)

    Thank you all for your participation!

    p.s. Happy Father's Day!
