
Friday, August 16, 2013

Around the Web #1

Hi guys! Those of you who follow Zemfirka Blogs on Facebook know that I share a lot of curious links, articles, images, as well as my blog posts. And I thought it would be nice to do a round-up of great webby things over here as well. So, here it is, my new Around the Web post. I’m going to say it will be a regular post, perhaps even a weekly one, but I will try not to get ahead of myself and we will see how it goes. In any case, I’m happy to hear your thoughts regarding this so feel free to chime in!

The White Queen
“Men Go To Battle - Women Wage War”

I’ll start at the beginning; I finally watched the first episode of the new series ‪‎The White Queen‬ that premiered on Starz this past weekend - and it was great! I was definitely intrigued by the first episode and I really like Max Irons as Edward IV of England. Looking forward to see where this will go. So, stay tuned.

I have to confess, I haven't read Philippa Gregory's novels, on which the series is based on, but it certainly makes me want to pick up these books.

Did you guys watch? What did you think?

Happy Birthday Diana!
On Tuesday, August 13 we celebrated Diana Bishop’s birthday. Diana is the heroine of the widely successful All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. To mark the occasion Deb shared (via her Facebook page) an illustration from the Ripley Scroll, which I’m sure, fans of the series would be curious to see. 

“On this day, 13 August 1976, Diana Bishop was born to Rebecca Bishop and Stephen Proctor. This illustration is from the Ripley Scroll, and was one of the images on the wall in Mary Sidney's laboratory at Baynard's Castle. If you look carefully, you will see that Matthew's seal is in it (the moon with the star above it) and that dragon with a tail in its mouth is a firedrake.” Deborah Harkness (August 13, 2013).

Google has an App for that
Any Doctor Who fans out there? Sad to admit I am not one myself – I’ve never actually seen the show. [Shh… don’t tell anyone!] Anyway, if you are, I’m sure you would enjoy this because Google Maps promises to transport you from a London street to a TARDIS! You are only a click away…

The Scribe
You can pre-order Elizabeth Hunter’s new book The Scribe, which will be released October 15, 2013 via Amazon now! In fact, the readers are so excited about this new novel from the author that The Scribe made it to #1 spot on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in Contemporary Fantasy list. But if you absolutely cannot wait, Elizabeth also shared the first full chapter of the book on her blog.

EBook Loyalty Program
University Press of Kentucky is pioneering an eBook loyalty program. Purchase a print copy, submit a digital photo of yourself with the book and expect to receive an eBook within 7-10 business days. Now that’s an idea!

Female Characters and Women Who Have It All
There was quite a bit of buzz about women this week, from fictional characters to real life it seems we are still struggling to identify our roles and match up the image with reality. I both agree and disagree in parts, but I’ve found these two articles interesting. So, check them out and judge for yourself.

I Hate Strong Female Characters by Sophia McDougall
Why the Woman Who “Has It All” Doesn’t Really Exist by Debora L. Spar

And last but not least, the not so bright review of Austenland, the movie by NPR. I’m still determined to go see it though, whenever it comes out in theaters nationwide.

Have a great weekend!


  1. :-) Awesome post, Victoria. I think this would make a great weekly feature.

    1. It is my intention to do it weekly! :) I'm a little frightened to commit to it, but I think - it'll be good to do. There is so much greatness out there weekly - I'd love to share.

      Glad you liked it! Thanks for the comment too.

  2. I'll definitely go see Austenland, no matter what. It's just silly and funny enough that it won't matter that it's bad :)
