
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Book Review: Disenchanted & Co.

Disenchanted & Co. (Disenchanted & Co. Parts #1 & 2)
Lynn Viehl

Release Date: January 28, 2014

Her Ladyship's Curse (Disenchanted & Co. Book 1, Part #1)
Release Date: August 12, 2013

His Lordship Possessed (Disenchanted & Co. Book 1, Part #2)
Release Date: October 14, 2013

Book Description:
In a steampunk version of America that lost the Revolutionary War, Charmian (Kit) Kittredge makes her living investigating magic crimes and exposing the frauds behind them. While Kit tries to avoid the nobs of high society, as the proprietor of Disenchanted & Co. she follows mysteries wherever they lead.

Lady Diana Walsh calls on Kit to investigate and dispel the curse she believes responsible for carving hateful words into her own flesh as she sleeps. While Kit doesn’t believe in magic herself, she can’t refuse to help a woman subjected nightly to such vicious assaults. As Kit investigates the Walsh family, she becomes convinced that the attacks on Diana are part of a larger, more ominous plot—one that may involve the lady’s obnoxious husband.

Sleuthing in the city of Rumsen is difficult enough, but soon Kit must also skirt the unwanted attentions of nefarious deathmage Lucien Dredmore and the unwelcome scrutiny of police Chief Inspector Thomas Doyle. Unwilling to surrender to either man’s passion for her, Kit struggles to remain independent as she draws closer to the heart of the mystery. Yet as she learns the truth behind her ladyship’s curse, Kit also uncovers a massive conspiracy that promises to ruin her life—and turn Rumsen into a supernatural battleground from which no one will escape alive.

Amazon US | Goodreads

Egalleys courtesy of Pocket Star via NetGalley in exchange for fair and honest review.

This is a combined review for Disenchanted & Co. Book 1 (Parts 1 & 2). The publisher made an interesting decision to split the book into two parts, with respective publication dates in August and October of this year (2013). However, if you are faint of heart, or simply do not enjoy a major cliffhanger I suggest either waiting for an October release and get both Parts then, or purchase a combined edition that will be available in early 2014.

Having said that, I must confess: Part 1, Her Ladyship’s Curse did not leave much of an impression on me. I picked the book up based on a friend’s recommendation, and I am glad I did – as it was a very entertaining read overall. My expectations running high, I dug in and found myself often frustrated with the slow development. Only the last few chapters, the cliffhanger ending, and the knowledge that Part 2 awaited me next, kept me going. And what a turnaround it was! I flew through the pages of His Lordship Possessed, impatient to find the key, a resolution, a happily ever after. Such a fast-paced read it was, especially in contrast to the previous one – day and night.

Overall, I think it was quite a unique story. Full of magic, spirits/ghosts, alternate world building, steampunk gadgetry and machinery, a collection of colorful characters, and even a bit of time-travel, it was quite an adventure, and at its forefront a feisty heroine.

Kit is a firecracker; she is ready to dive deep into the battle and is certainly not the sort to act a damsel in distress to wide disappointment of the men surrounding her, especially her nemesis, Lucien Dredmore, a man with a license to kill. He is dark, handsome, rich, and has quite an interest in Kit. As the clouds begin to thicken with mysteries, the two have to learn to work together to save the world and each other, but at what cost. Fortunately, there is turning back the time…

Jareth: “I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for you!” Labyrinth (1986)

Happy reading!


  1. Fabulous review, Vika! I am so glad you enjoyed it! :)

    1. Thanks so much Karina and especially for recommendation! :)
