
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Around the Web #3

Hi guys! I’m going to be honest and say that I’ve been slacking this week. Well, perhaps “slacking” is not quite the right word for it, but I’ve taken some time off from work and internet, and unfortunately reading. But, I’m determined to fix it in the coming weeks, especially the reading part. But for now, I’m spending a lovely long weekend with family and friends, and I hope so are you.

Happy Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Book Review: Lover Enshrined

Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood #6)
J.R. Ward

Release Date: June 3, 2008

Book Description:
In this "frighteningly addictive" paranormal romance saga there's a war raging between vampires and their slayers. Here are the stories of a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. And now a dutiful twin must choose between two lives...

Fiercely loyal to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Brotherhood's bloodlines alive. As Primale of the Chosen, he is obligated to father the sons and daughters who will ensure that the traditions of the race survive, and that there are warriors to fight those who want all vampires extinguished.

As his first mate, the Chosen Cormia wants to win not only his body, but his heart for herself. She is drawn to the noble responsibility behind the emotionally scarred male. But Phury has never allowed himself to know pleasure or joy. As the war with the Lessening Society grows grim, tragedy looms over the Brotherhood's mansion, and Phury must decide between duty and love....

Amazon US | Goodreads

It’s been awhile since I last picked up a Black Dagger Brotherhood book. I admit I was a bit fed up with the way J.R. Ward handled V’s storyline and did not wish to continue on with the series, apart from the fact that I purchased Lover Enshrined already. And so it sat there, on my Kindle, for what seemed like months, gloating in my direction. Hating to leave things unfinished I thought to give it another go.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Cover Reveal: Logan’s Acadian Wolves

I think I can officially announce today as Kym’s day at Zemfirka Blogs! Besides having the opportunity to interview Kym, I’m also honored to be part of the cover reveal for her new Immortals of New Orleans novel, Logan’s Acadian Wolves, releasing September 17, 2013. Check out the new cover art designed by PickyMe Artist below. (Links to follow, stay tuned).

Logan’s Acadian Wolves (Immortals of New Orleans #4)
Kym Grosso

Release Date: September 17, 2013

Kym Grosso

Book Description:
Deep in the heart of New Orleans, Acadian Wolves’ Alpha, Logan Reynaud, rescues a beautiful woman in the dead of night.  Intrigued by the mysterious human, the commanding Alpha is determined to elicit all of her secrets, including her deepest fantasies.  After tragedy strikes, Logan discovers dangerous adversaries are planning an attack in his city.  Driven by responsibility and honor, Logan must protect both his pack and the woman who’s captivated his attention.

Giveaway: The Immortals of New Orleans

Hi guys! Did you check out my interview with Kym Grosso, author of the erotic paranormal romance series The Immortals of New Orleans? If not, you can find it right here and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did conducting it. Kym is such a lovely and generous person, that she also offered to give away one of her eBooks to one lucky reader! How awesome is that!?

Since you can get Kade’s Dark Embrace free for Kindle via Amazon already (and by the way if you didn’t get it yet, what are you waiting for?) You get a choice of either Luca's Magic Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans Book 2) or Tristan's Lyceum Wolves (Immortals of New Orleans Book 3). Good luck!

Author Interview: Kym Grosso

I’m very excited to welcome Kym Grosso, author of the erotic paranormal romance series, The Immortals of New Orleans, to the blog today. Hello, Kym! Thank you for stopping by and agreeing to answer a few questions.

The Immortals of New Orleans:

Amazon US | Goodreads
Amazon US | Goodreads
Amazon US | Goodreads
V: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
K: Thanks so much for having me here today at Zemfirka Blogs.  I am so excited to have the opportunity to visit with you and your readers.

I am the author of the erotic paranormal romance series, The Immortals of New Orleans.  In addition to romance, I’ve written and published several articles about autism and currently write for both and  I’m also honored to be a contributing essay author in new release, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Raising Kids on the Spectrum.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Around the Web #2

As another week bids us adieu, here are some news and stories spreading across the web.

Keep Calm
How the hell did I miss this? There is an actual app that lets you create those awesome “Keep Calm” posters that have been spreading around the web and everywhere else like rapid fire. How cool is that! And, I’m not even going to let you know how much time I killed playing around with this. Proceed at your own risk.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Book Review: Kade's Dark Embrace

Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans #1)
Kym Grosso

Release Date: March 5, 2012

Book Description:
After a series of girls are ritualistically murdered on the cold streets of Philadelphia, seasoned detective, Sydney Willows, is forced to work with sexy, alpha vampire, Kade Issacson. While working the case, Sydney finds herself inexplicably drawn to Kade, fighting the passion she feels towards him.

Kade, determined to solve the case and mete out justice, is captivated by the independent, fiery detective. As he attempts to protect her from a very real murderer, Kade grows concerned that the beautiful, but very human detective, could easily end up dead should she tangle with supernatural forces that are beyond her control.

The investigation leads them into a dark and dangerous world, deep in the heart of New Orleans, where together, they search for the perpetrators of the Voodoo killings. Sydney soon becomes the target of the killer and ends up fighting for her life and love in the Big Easy. Will she eventually give into the intoxicating desire she feels for Kade if she makes it out alive?

Amazon US | Goodreads

Vampires, shifters, and witches, oh my! This series boasts a variety of paranormal characters with a ton of attitude and sex appeal.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Recipe: Goat Cheese & Cranberry Salad

Do you ever find yourself fascinated with an ingredient? No? Well, I do, sometimes and then I can’t help but try to experiment with it, especially if it’s something unfamiliar to me. This past week’s fix was goat cheese. Believe it or not, it is a very strange ingredient to find in my fridge, as I don’t actually like goat dairy products. I always found the taste a bit odd, but then, a few weeks back, while I was out at some restaurant we ordered a dish that was essentially goat cheese and beets and to my great surprise it was delicious! So naturally, I had to get goat cheese and try to make something with it.

This is a very simple dish but it is nonetheless delicious and I highly recommend giving it a try. If you are like me and are skittish of such ingredients as goat cheese, this salad just might change your mind.

Goat Cheese & Cranberry Salad
Servings 2

1 cup red leaf lettuce
2 cups arugula
¼ cup dried cranberries
¼ cup roasted pecans
¼ cup marcona almonds (optional)
Goat cheese, crumbled

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp honey
Salt and pepper

Friday, August 16, 2013

Around the Web #1

Hi guys! Those of you who follow Zemfirka Blogs on Facebook know that I share a lot of curious links, articles, images, as well as my blog posts. And I thought it would be nice to do a round-up of great webby things over here as well. So, here it is, my new Around the Web post. I’m going to say it will be a regular post, perhaps even a weekly one, but I will try not to get ahead of myself and we will see how it goes. In any case, I’m happy to hear your thoughts regarding this so feel free to chime in!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Book Review: Disenchanted & Co.

Disenchanted & Co. (Disenchanted & Co. Parts #1 & 2)
Lynn Viehl

Release Date: January 28, 2014

Her Ladyship's Curse (Disenchanted & Co. Book 1, Part #1)
Release Date: August 12, 2013

His Lordship Possessed (Disenchanted & Co. Book 1, Part #2)
Release Date: October 14, 2013

Book Description:
In a steampunk version of America that lost the Revolutionary War, Charmian (Kit) Kittredge makes her living investigating magic crimes and exposing the frauds behind them. While Kit tries to avoid the nobs of high society, as the proprietor of Disenchanted & Co. she follows mysteries wherever they lead.

Lady Diana Walsh calls on Kit to investigate and dispel the curse she believes responsible for carving hateful words into her own flesh as she sleeps. While Kit doesn’t believe in magic herself, she can’t refuse to help a woman subjected nightly to such vicious assaults. As Kit investigates the Walsh family, she becomes convinced that the attacks on Diana are part of a larger, more ominous plot—one that may involve the lady’s obnoxious husband.

Sleuthing in the city of Rumsen is difficult enough, but soon Kit must also skirt the unwanted attentions of nefarious deathmage Lucien Dredmore and the unwelcome scrutiny of police Chief Inspector Thomas Doyle. Unwilling to surrender to either man’s passion for her, Kit struggles to remain independent as she draws closer to the heart of the mystery. Yet as she learns the truth behind her ladyship’s curse, Kit also uncovers a massive conspiracy that promises to ruin her life—and turn Rumsen into a supernatural battleground from which no one will escape alive.

Amazon US | Goodreads

Egalleys courtesy of Pocket Star via NetGalley in exchange for fair and honest review.

This is a combined review for Disenchanted & Co. Book 1 (Parts 1 & 2). The publisher made an interesting decision to split the book into two parts, with respective publication dates in August and October of this year (2013). However, if you are faint of heart, or simply do not enjoy a major cliffhanger I suggest either waiting for an October release and get both Parts then, or purchase a combined edition that will be available in early 2014.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Cover Reveal: Wicked After Midnight

I’m excited! We finally have a cover for the last installment in the Blud series by Delilah S. Dawson, which has been revealed today via Bitten by Books. Now that it’s out, I thought I’d share it here as well. Delilah says, “It's basically the Blud version of Moulin Rouge.” I think that’s something to ponder over. In any case, it will be sad to see this fun series come to an end, but you never know what might come next. Besides, if you are really craving more from the land of Sang, there are three companion novellas featuring various characters from the series (see Goodreads Author Profile for more detail). So, what do you guys think? Are you excited for more Blud?

Wicked After Midnight (Blud #3)
Delilah S. Dawson

Release Date: January 28, 2014

Book Description:
A contortionist and a rakish brigand navigate the cabarets of Paris to rescue a girl taken by slavers in the third steampunk-tinged romance of the Blud series.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Author Guest Post: Lizzie Ashworth – Inspiration Behind the Books

Hi guys! I’m very happy to welcome Lizzie Ashworth to the blog today, author of the new erotic romance novel - Hers to Choose. As Liz and I got talking, she graciously agreed to stop by and share with us a little about her inspiration behind the novel, the social taboos, and the freedom of writing. Thank you Liz!

Inspiration Behind the Books:
I guess you could say that sex inspires my writing. I mean, what is more fundamental than human relationships, and in that, the sexual interaction between people? I’ve never quite understood how society can play along with censorship and other forms of denial about that basic truth. I grew up in a time when stories like Fifty Shades of Grey simply could not see the light of day. Everything “important” happened behind closed doors. Which made me crazy–I wanted to know that stuff.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Scribe

Hi guys! I’m so excited to be part of the cover reveal for Elizabeth Hunter’s new series, Irin Chronicles. The first book, which is set for October release, is called The Scribe and Elizabeth has been teasing her readers with scenes from the book, which you can find on her blog, Elizabeth Hunter Writes.

Ms. Hunter tells us that the cover was designed by and I think they did a fabulous job, hope you guys agree! For now, feel free to add it to your to-read shelf via Goodreads.

The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1)
Elizabeth Hunter

Release Date: October 15, 2013

Book Description:
Hidden at the crossroads of the world, an ancient race battles to protect humanity, even as it dies from within.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Book Review: 12.21.12

Killian McRae

Release Date: December 19, 2010

Book Description:
The only way to save the future is to decode the past. The only way to decode the past is to save the future.

Archaeologist Sheppard Smyth has staked his career and the honorable memory of his wife and partner on proving his widely panned theory: Cleopatra VII, the last sovereign pharaoh of Egypt, was not a victim of suicide as history suggests, but of a well-concealed murder. When a statue of the doomed Queen is unearthed in a pre-Columbian excavation site in Mexico, Shep rushes to investigate and, hopefully, find the proof that has evaded him for so long. The statue, however, is only the first clue suggesting a mysterious connection between Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica, and possibly - beyond. Suddenly thrust into the heated rivalry between sexy and enigmatic antiquities thief Victoria Kent and the infamous Russian mafioso Dmitri Kronastia, Shep finds himself a common pawn played by forces working to see out a quest older than the pyramids and cloaked in the Mayan Doomsday prophecy of 12.21.12.

Amazon US | Goodreads

This egalley was generously provided by the author, Killian McRae. Below is my fair and honest review.

Mild spoilers ahead!

Such a great, fast-paced read! And, I’m not saying it lightly as I don’t find too many books that are able to get my attention from the start. Instead, I often find myself needing to ease into the book, but Killian McRae had me hooked from the get-go. It was such a whirlwind of a story, that I don’t even know where to start, but if Stargate and Lara Croft had a love child; it would be called 12.21.12. I rushed through the pages only to find myself saddened by the fact it was already over. But even good things must come to an end… or do they?

“’ Beware the end of the world,’” she returned without pause as she turned from the scene. “It’s silly really. The people in these parts of Mexico are still close to their traditions. And this whole Mayan calendar thing. Maybe you’ve heard of it, 12.21.12?” 12.21.12 (Kindle Locations 288-290).

Friday, August 2, 2013

Book Review: Rough Surrender

Rough Surrender
Cari Silverwood

Release Date: June 4, 2012

Book Description:
One master, one woman who craves surrender, and a sky that will challenge them both.

At a time when airplanes are as new-fangled and sensational as the telephone, Faith dares to fly.

The one territory she has not explored is her own sexuality. In Leonhardt she discovers the man who can teach her how a woman surrenders her body and her mind. However, Leonhardt has a shadowed past and his own learning to do. He doesn't have the right to keep Faith from flying, even if he thinks airplanes are flimsy death-traps made of canvas, timber and their inventor's prayers.

Faith has her limits, Leonhardt has his flaws, and sometimes the nicest people get murdered by unscrupulous bastards. Even if Leonhardt can save the woman he loves, the battle for Faith’s heart will be the hardest one of all.

Amazon US | Goodreads

“Because it thrills me. Because when I fly, I am truly alive. You must come up and fly sometime. Do something new in your life! I dare you, sir!” Rough Surrender (Kindle Locations 602-603).

I have to admit this was my dare read, as I don’t often venture into such an explicit content. Now… don’t take this the wrong way. I don’t consider myself a prude, but historical BDSM erotica is not really on my to-read list. So, this was quite an unexpected read, and what a surprising experience it was! I was not familiar with Cari Silverwood’s prior writing, but she masterfully pulls it off: the setting, the characters, the mystery, and of course, the scorching romance.